professional recordings in Leipzig / Germany
Contact: record@charliesstudio.de

Charlies Studio is a recording and mixing studio which is located in Leipzig and owned by Charlie Paschen, drummer of the rock band Coogans Bluff.
We offer professional recordings and mixing of the previously inhouse recorded tracks or your self recorded stuff.
The studio is optimized for full live band/ensemble recordings with up to 24 tracks. But of course you can also track just one note on one track and then go home.
If you have any questions, please contact us.

1 Control Room
16 qm „non environment room“ realized with help from Philip Newell
2 Recording Room
35 qm recording space which is perfect for whole band recordings
3 Kitchen // Storage
all rooms are built as a „room within a room“ so they are acoustically decoupled from each other and the outer space.

Soundcraft 1600 24 Track Split Console // AML 1081 Preamps x2 // A Designs P-1 // RFZ V781 x2 // Pro Replicas LA-2A // Warm Audio WA 76 // POM Pye Compressor // DBX 160 xt // Gyraf SSL 4000 Compressor w Turbo Mod // DIY Racked DR-NEQ3D Stereo Equalizer // Telefunken M15A Stereo Tape Machine // Fostex R8 8 Track Tape Machine // Korg Stage Echo SE 500 Tape Delay // Dynacord CLS 222 // Sound Skulptor EQ573 x2 // RME ADI 8 DS x 3 // Klein & Hummel O98 // JBL 4311 // WIndows PC with Reaper // UAD Plugins // Rupert Neve Designs RNDI

Austrian Audio OC 818 // Miktek CV4 Tube Condenser w Thiersch M7 // Neumann Gefell MV 101 Tube Condenser x2 w Drefahl Power Supply // Neumann Gefell MV 102 Condenser // Gefell PM 750 x2 // Shure SM7B // Electro Voice RE20 // Sennheiser MD 441 // Sennheiser MD 421 x4 // AKG C 451 E x 2 // Shure KSM 141 // AKG D19c // Coles 4038 x2 // Shure SM 57 x2 // Shure SM 58 x2 // Oktava mk 012 x2 // AKG D12 // Solomon Subkick // AKG D 58 x2 // Beyerdynamic M380 clone // Beyerdynamic M55 x2
recorded in the past:

Ariella Wolf // Future Prawn // Brother Grimm // Rotor // Kaskadeur // DxBxSx // The Great Machine // Motorowl // Coogans Bluff // Wucan // Mortenson // Eat Ghosts // Tim Thoelke // Lynt // Jolle // Talking To Turtles // Dead Taste // Black Box Massacre // Deen & Blumenstein // Heat // Kalamahara // Mandala // Petra // Max Von Wegen // Porzellan // Ledbelly // Mumpel, Murks und die Herrscherin der Galaxis // and more